Communication Milestones


2-3 years:

  • Correctly produces most vowels in words.

  • Speech is becoming clearer but may not be understandable to unfamiliar listeners or to people who do not know your child

3-4 Years:

  • Says all the syllables in a word.

  • Says the sounds at the beginning, middle, and end of words.

  • By age 4 years, your child speaks so that people can understand most of what they say.

  • By age 4 years, your child says all sounds in a consonant cluster containing two or more consonants in a row—like the tw in tweet or the –nd in sand. May not produce all sounds correctly—for example, spway for “spray.”

4-5 Years:

  • Blends word parts, like cup + cake = cupcake. Identifies some rhyming words, like cat and hat.

  • Produces most consonants correctly, and speech is understandable in conversation


Please visit the ASHA Website for more detailed Communication Milestones!